
My trial has ended, what next?

2 minute read • Last updated 2025-02-10

Your Free Trial will last for 7 days and it begins as soon as you install any of the premium plugins.

Continuing to use the plugins after the trial has ended
When your trial ends, you will retain access to the 4 free plugins. If you wish to continue using all  premium plugins, you will now need to purchase the subscription. To purchase, please log in to your account and click on Subscribe now (or here if you are a business requiring Team Licensing).

You’re under no obligation to automatically renew when your subscription is nearing an end. In the Billing section of your account you can opt to either pause the subscription renewal until you choose to renew again, or cancel altogether so that your subscription will cease to exist entirely.

On your subscription, you receive ALL plugins and all plugins are automatically updated and upgraded to newer versions during your subscription period. When your subscription ends, it will be necessary to renew it to continue using the plugins.

Once you have paid for your subscription, simply click on the Install All button in Astute Manager. See How do I install for further advice.

If you wish to uninstall the plugins, please see our step-by-step guidance on uninstalling.