Technical Updates

Mid-December 2021 updates - 14 Dec 2021

AstuteBuddy v1.4.4
  • Added support for new MirrorMe tool keypress (see MirrorMe).
  • Added support for new Extend Path tool keypress (see VectorScribe).
ColliderScribe v3.7.2
  • New feature: Space Fills can now have the step value of the random rotation specified.
  • Improvement: When subtracting or intersecting with the Super Marquee tool in Boolean mode, you can now choose to use 'Contextual Highlighting', which only highlights the objects which are already selected and therefore affected by the marquee operation.
  • Bug fix: Values of "Vary Size" on the Space Fill panel above 1.0 are now retained across Illustrator restarts.
InkFlow v2.2.4
  • Bug fix: When opening a document where the top layer is locked, InkFlow no longer causes the document to appear automatically modified.
InkScribe v2.6.2
  • Bug fix: The InkScribe tool can now move the handle of a path inside a Live Paint group when Smart Guides are enabled.
MirrorMe v3.4.2
  • Improvement: The 'T' key may now be pressed when creating or drag-editing the mirroring axes to toggle the 'Trim and Join' setting on the fly.
Phantasm v5.5.2
  • New feature: Halftone live effect dots, when circular, may now have their roundness and detail directly specified without having to add a second live effect like Roughen to the art's appearance.
VectorScribe v4.7.5
  • Improvement: The Extend Path tool annotation color is now user-selectable; pressing the 'H' key when dragging the tool changes it on the fly.
  • Bug fix: The PathScribe tool can now move the handle of a path inside a Live Paint group when Smart Guides are enabled.
  • Bug fix: Illustrator no longer crashes when attempting to draw a Dynamic Gear with three teeth and zero size.
WidthScribe v3.6.3
  • Bug fix: Grouped, 'Make from Preset'-type Width Stamps or ungrouped, 'Make from Top Object"-type Width Stamps are now moved through the Align panel correctly.

Mid-November 2021 updates - 16 Nov 2021

Reform v1.2.0
  • Improvement: Optimised object detection for faster interaction when working with complex artwork.
  • Bug fix: Locked guides are no longer considered by the Reform tool.
  • Bug fix: Locked objects are no longer considered by the Reform tool.
Stylism v3.3.5
VectorFirstAid v3.9.3
  • New feature: Text objects may now be broken at either the position of the text insertion point or, if some of the text is selected, at the starting and ending positions of the text selection.
    Both the text splitting and alignment (see next) updates are demonstrated in this video.
  • Improvement: Point text that has multiple lines (and not just a single line) may now have its alignment changed. When doing so, the longest line in the text object is kept fixed in position.
  • Bug fix: Fixed rare crash when unoutlining fonts.
VectorScribe v4.7.3
  • New feature: Delaunay triangulations may now be created from the anchor points of any selected paths using the new PathScribe panel flyout menu item, "Delaunay Triangulate...".
    Watch this exciting new stylistic option in action with this video.
  • Bug fix: When hovering with the Dynamic Shapes Tool cursor to recognize shapes, attempting to recognize a path with Dynamic Corners will no longer cause the path to disappear or become distorted.