
Does the subscription renew automatically each year?

3 minute read • Last updated 2024-09-03

All subscriptions will automatically renew each year unless you pause or cancel the subscription.

Some subscription set ups don't include an auto-renew option, currently these are:

  • Subscriptions purchased via a Reseller

  • Student subscriptions

You can see if your account is set to auto-renew by going to the Billing section of your account. If it is set to auto-renew, you will see a "Next payment is scheduled for (date)" as shown below.
In this instance, on the day that your subscription is due to expire, payment will be automatically taken from your account and the subscription will continue with no action required from you.

Pausing your subscription to prevent auto-renewal

If you want to prevent your subscription from automatically renewing at the end of the 12 months, you can go to the Billing section of your account, click on the "Manage subscription" button and then click on "Pause subscription".

Selecting this option will prevent any automatic renewal payments being taken at the end of the billing period. When renewal is successfully paused, you will instead see a "Resume subscription" option.

If you have paused your subscription this doesn't mean that your subscription has ended, it just means that it won't renew automatically at the end of the 12 months. You will still benefit from the remainder of your subscription and no further payments will be taken unless you choose to restart the subscription by selecting "Resume subscription" as shown below.

Cancelling your subscription to prevent auto-renewal and remove payment details

If you want to remove your payment information to permanently cancel your subscription, you will see an option to do so beneath the "Resume subscription" option. If you cancel your subscription the benefits of your subscription will continue until the 12 month subscription period has run its course, then when your 12 months come to an end, not only will no further payments be taken, after expiry it will be necessary to take out an entirely new subscription if you want to use our services again.

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